K-9 Custom Frames







I can also make K-9 Motor Cycle Frames. Click on frame below for cycle frames!


Picture's Courtesy of Dan Byrd  

 "Prince Attack"       "Dan in Vietnam"       "Dan's son in Iraq '04"

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                                                    Veteran K-9 Dog

One day a man was reading the classifieds in the newspaper, and he noticed an ad:   "For sale. Talking Dog. $20.00."

Intrigued, the man went to see the "Talking Dog".

"You the talking dog?" the man asks skeptically.

The dog turns and looks at him, and says, "Yep. Good to meet you."

The man is amazed. "Where did you learn to speak English," he asks.

The dog replies, "Well, it started in the Air Force. I used to be a dog instructor at the Air Force's K-9 dog school at Lackland Air Force Base. I learned english pretty good there. Then I was transferred to Army Special Forces. I went on some missions in Latin America and learned Spanish. After that, I was transferred to the Marines, where I was a Guard Dog at the Embassy in Paris. I learned a little French while I was there. Before I retired, I was transferred to the Navy, where I was a K-9 dog in Italy. Learned me some Italian while I was there."

The man was absolutely amazed. He went back into the living room and said to the dog owner, "That's amazing. How can you sell a dog like that for $20.00?"

The owner replied, "Because he's a damn liar. He never did any of those things."

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Last modified: 11/29/15   http://www.oohboutique.com  Out Of Hand Boutique: hand bags, scarf, jewelry.